Bungree: New Interim Safety Procedures
Dear Clients, Carers and Community members
Bungree Aboriginal Association has introduced NEW Interim Safety Procedures for the Coronavirus, the new procedures are to reduce possible illness for our staff, clients and families.
Therefore, Bungree staff will be contacting you directly prior to any appointments, in house services and transport services and asking you questions regarding you and your household health.
The questions you will be asked are written below, we also encourage you to also ask these questions prior to any other visitors or services providers attending your home or transporting you and your family.
Please do not be alarmed, both the Australian and NSW Governments have now asked all service providers to provide a continuity of service plans that ensures that Bungree continues to provide services to you.
This will also reduce the spread of the flu and any other illness.
We also ask that if you have flu like symptoms that you do not attend the office.
Client and/or Carer Obligations and Responsibilities
In Home/Transport Services/Appointments
If you have flu like symptoms and are due for a service, appointment or transport Bungree requests that you contact us immediately to cancel your services and discuss other options. As Bungree staff cannot provide a service at this time whilst you or any member of your household is ill.
Bungree Interim Safety Procedures – Coronavirus
Staff Prompt Questions for Clients
Staff must ask this question of clients prior to any service includes home visits, in home services, appointments and transport etc.
- Ask if they or anyone on the household currently have a running nose, cough, fever and/or rash?
If they answer NO then provide the service
If they answer YES then advise client that we will have to reschedule until they are well.
- Have you or anyone in your household been overseas recently or had contact with someone who has?
If they answer NO then provide the service
If they answer YES then advice client that we will have to reschedule after the 14 day isolation period is over.
- Have you recently been admitted to hospital or had surgery?
If the answer is NO then provide the service
If the answer is YES ask the client the date of the admission or surgery and advise that services would have to wait for the 14 day isolation period is over.
We thank you all for your cooperation and understanding at this time as we strive to protect the best interests of our clients, carers, staff members, family members and community.